Educating Outside the Lines Academy
Virtual Disability Awareness Programming for Schools K-8

Online Programming

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Alignment

Meaningful Results
Educating Outside the Lines Academy
Replacing Judgment and Othering, with Curiosity and Connection
1 in 5 people have some kind of disability - whether it be physical, intellectual, or hidden. That means every one of our children will interact with someone who has a difference or a disability in their lives. Their classmates, coaches, teachers, and eventual coworkers and peers will be people who have differences. Teaching children to understand and accept those differences in themselves and in others changes the way they view disability. The path toward a more inclusive, understanding world starts here.

EOTL Academy is transforming disability awareness by
elevating the perception of what it means to live with a disability.


Real Stories
from people with disabilities who lead amazing, successful lives

Interactive Activities
that build bridges to children's everyday lives

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
for each grade level K-8

A Spirit of Interest & Acceptance
(no pitying or othering here!)

Simple Online Portal
of curriculum for teachers to implement

Very Minimal Prep Time
for teachers and staff

Discussion Topics
for parents to bring into the home

High Praise
from students, teachers, admin and parents
Unlocking the Power of Inclusivity in Education
A transformative journey towards creating more inclusive, supportive, and enriching educational environments for all students.
"This is a great program to help create and mold the younger generations to be more open and understanding…"
– R.Q., Nonprofit Program Manager
"We have implemented this program in our district for the last 4 years–it is high quality!"
– H.C., Assistant Superintendent
"My kids talked about what they learned for weeks after the program."
– K.S., Parent

See What Other Teachers, Admin & Parents Are Saying

Each year the curriculum builds upon itself.
EOTL Academy meets students where they’re at with developmentally-appropriate curriculum that deepens understanding and encourages the integration of lessons overtime. Click into each grade level to see the core lessons.
Kindergarten: Similarities & Differences
First Grade: Helping Tools
Second Grade: Hidden Disabilities
Third Grade: Vision & Hearing Disabilities
Fourth Grade: Physical Disabilities
Fifth Grade: Hidden Disabilities
Sixth Grade: Prosthetic Design
Seventh Grade: Inclusive Playground Design
Eighth Grade: Self-Concept & Bullying
Watch Students Start Leading with Empathy

Sign Up
Sign up your school or district for EOTL Academy by submitting the interest form at the bottom of the page.

Schedule It
Choose a week during the school year to implement the program - it takes just 1 hour of classroom time.

Teachers will press play on the videos and facilitate the discussion and activities through the online portal.